Thursday, April 30, 2015

14 days to go!

The seed to walk the El Camino de Santiago de Compostela was planted 5 long years ago whilst having a "need to travel" with my brother Robert!
Wow! Freaking myself out knowing that the time has finally come.

I have walked the Camino in my mind hundreds of times.
I have a John Brierley guidebook of The Way of St. James - A Practical & Mystical Manual for the Modern Day Pilgrim also referred to as a Guide to the Camino de Santiago.

Anyway, I have devoured this guide, page by page, map by map, as well as watching YouTube videos of others' journey on the Camino Frances.

I have read books:

I have watched The Way with Martin Sheen - a father's experience walking the Camino, it only increased my desire to walk.

I am ready, so ready!

A little bit of statistics so far this year of the amount of pilgrims or pereginos or pèlerins that have made the journey so far:

January 2015 - 1, 217 (compared to 906 in 2014)

  • 64.34% men
  • 35.66% women of which 4.44% were 60 and over.
February 2015 - 1, 544 (compared to 970 in 2014)
  • 61.59% men
  • 38.41% women of which 4.73% were 60 and over.
March 2015 - 5, 080 (compared to 3,150 in 2014)
  • 55.75% men
  • 44.25% women of which 8.19% were 60 and over.
April stats not yet up, I will update when it is available. So, so far this year, 7, 841 brave souls!

Quite a steady increase from 2014 and, looks like women prefer warmer weather - smarte!

Buen Camino!

(Camino: way, path, journey, road)

Saturday, April 25, 2015


Today I walked a route I use often.
I decided to take my GoPro along.
I filmed for 58 minutes.
This blog only allow 100mb or 1:35 clip.
I was not planning on putting a 58 minute video, however, I would have liked to have maybe a 5 minute clip.
I uploaded 1 clip at the required time and once I clicked "publish" and reviewed "live" it was horrible.
So, here I will add a link for my walk down an access point to Kempenfelt Bay and see if it works better. It is not as clear as the original, I will have to work on that - take some Tutorials or something.
Click on Kempenfelt Bay, and let's see,

Till soon!

PS: I checked it, it is not so bad! Let me know what you think!

Friday, April 24, 2015


One can answer in a variety of ways:
"Why not?"
"Because I can!"
"Not sure!"
"The Camino is calling me!"
"It is on my Bucket List"
"To find answers!" or "Find myself!" or "Discover my best self!"
"Spiritual Connection" or "Spiritual Awakening"

I like all of them and I have answered pretty much all of the above depending on my mood or how the question was asked.

Here are a couple of quotes regarding the why question that truly resonate with me:

"Le Coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas!" ["The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing."] - Pascal, Les Pensées.

Or this...which aligns with the 'no regret' lifestyle:

"Don't be the one who says, 'I wish I had,' Be the one who says 'I did.'" - Paula Morand

Hasta Luego,

Thursday, April 23, 2015

21 days to go!

Snowing today. Roads are slippery (according to the news, many crashes, you'd think it was the first snow of the winter).

I have declared today a rest day...PJ day...a luxury really - because I realize that once I start my Camino, it will not be a choice I can make easily.

I am going through my things, I have been packed for months. Checking and re-assessing items to make sure I "want" to carry said items and that I "will" use them. I have learned, from reading veteran blogs, that it is just not worth the extra weight. I will check again the weekend before I leave.

Here are a few photos of things I am bringing:

Heard a quote the other day that I like and may even get it tattooed to my forearm one day:
"I am a miracle in motion." - author unknown. I will add, "Buen Camino"

I am a miracle in motion...Buen Camino!

Till soon,

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Chant des Pèlerins de Compostelle/Compostela Pilgrim's Chant

Compostella Pilgrim’s Chant!

- Jean-Claude Benazet

Tous les matins nous prenons le chemin, Tous les matins nous allons plus loin.
Jour après jour, la route nous appelle, C’est la voix de Compostelle.
Ultreïa ! Ultreïa ! E sus eia
Deus adjuva nos !
Chemin de terre et chemin de Foi, Voie millénaire de L’Europe.
La voie lactée de Charlemagne, C’est le chemin de tous les jacquets.
Ultreïa ! Ultreïa ! E sus eia
Deus adjuva nos !
Et tout là-bas au bout du continent, Messire Jacques nous attend.
Depuis toujours son sourire fixe, Le soleil qui meure au Finistère.
Ultreïa ! Ultreïa ! E sus eia
Deus adjuva nos !

Every morning we take the path, Every morning we go further.
Day after day, the road calls us, It is the voice of the Compostela.
Go Further ! Go Further ! And Go Higher !
God Assist Us !
Dirt road and Faith, Millennium Way of Europe.
The Milky Way of Charlemagne, This is the way of all the pilgrims.
Go Further ! Go Further ! And Go Higher !
God Assist Us !
And while there at the end of the continent, Messire Jacques waits ahead.
Always his fixed smile, The sun dies in Finistère.
Go Further ! Go Further ! And Go Higher !
God Assist Us !

I am going to hum this little is very soothing and uplifting!

When you click on the title above, it will bring you to a Youtube video of the someone else's journey...but that's okay, couldn't find only the chant!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Buen Camino my Friend - Poem by Gwen Davis-Feldman 2015

Found this poem on the forum Camino de Santiago UK - written by Gwen and dedicated to a fellow pilgrim. I fell in love with it. However, she wrote it in the third person and I decided to make it personal and will meditate on it before, during and reflect on it after my pilgrimage!

May the road rise up to meet me
As I travel on THE WAY
May the music in my heart
Untangle the worries of my day

May old dreams be tossed
Upon that pyre of strife
May personal manifestos of peace
Descend to take on life

And when the night closes in
Anxiety and bliss compete
Remember growth is hard
Some truths come incomplete

In the meantime:

May I step easy o'er the rocks
That appear on THE WAY to defy
Keep in mind my destination
To reach that far-rimmed sky

And, to paraphrase a line from the movie "The Wild",

"May I re-discover and be my best self"

Till soon,

Sunday, April 19, 2015

22 km :)

What a great day!

Sometimes it is very hard to motivate myself to walk long distances because there is always a nagging "something to do..." let's leave it at that.

Yesterday, I walked 11.87km in 2 hours 25 minutes. I could have gone longer yet I had completed the trail both ways so returned home.

Today, I set out to walk to a destination following a neighbourhood road until I had at least done 10km one way and this meant I would break the total 12-15km barrier. I did better than the time I got home, I had completed 22.1km in 4 hours 27 minutes at a 11 min 15 sec per km pace [the 12:07 pace shown in photo considers the stops I made]. Very happy about that.

I actually decided to walk it as if I was on the Camino. I took an extra pair of socks, water, and at the half way mark I stopped for lunch [pizza], took care of my feet, and proceeded to return home.

The only thing I find a little discouraging, is always having to walk the same path back to my home or my car. I think that walking only one way on the Camino will be more satisfying!

Till next time,

Friday, April 17, 2015

Guardian Bead!

Today, April 17th, 2015. I truly hope my blogging is more consistent from now on.
I will begin my walk in exactly 30 days. I fly out of Toronto, Ontario, Canada on the 14th of May arriving in St. Jean Pied de Port, France on the 15th. I chose to take the following day as a day to compose myself, take in the surroundings and prepare myself mentally and spiritually for the journey ahead. I will begin my walk/camino on the 17th, at the foot of the Pyrenees Mountain, the excitement that wells up within me is truly exceptional.

Two people whom I admire greatly dropped by to see me today to wish me well and to present me with the most wonderful gift - a beautiful little bead, they picked up in Bisbee, AZ [knowing that they thought of me during their travel, well, simply overwhelms me] designed by a woman named Kate Drew-Wilkinson - "Kate's lively lamp work beads are made predominantly with recycled stained glass which lend very nicely to the flowing, organic, nature-inspired designs that she loves"- she called this one 'the Walk' so appropriate! They gave it to me to take with me while I walk - to attach it to my backpack - a 'guardian bead' - not unlike the 'guardian bell' one attaches to one's motorcycle [we are riding buddies so I get it :) ]. Incredibly thoughtful. I am very grateful indeed! Thank you Brian and Penny!