Friday, April 24, 2015


One can answer in a variety of ways:
"Why not?"
"Because I can!"
"Not sure!"
"The Camino is calling me!"
"It is on my Bucket List"
"To find answers!" or "Find myself!" or "Discover my best self!"
"Spiritual Connection" or "Spiritual Awakening"

I like all of them and I have answered pretty much all of the above depending on my mood or how the question was asked.

Here are a couple of quotes regarding the why question that truly resonate with me:

"Le Coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas!" ["The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing."] - Pascal, Les Pensées.

Or this...which aligns with the 'no regret' lifestyle:

"Don't be the one who says, 'I wish I had,' Be the one who says 'I did.'" - Paula Morand

Hasta Luego,


  1. By the way, the dates on the map, represent the dates when I will be at those particular locations :)

  2. I just know this adventure is going to be AMAZING!!!! <3
